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RenĂ©e Simms & Kevin Walker — Minted

Renée Simms


Kevin Walker

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Fun Facts!

  • Kevin and RenĂ©e met in Tampa, FL on July, 3rd 2016.
  • Kevin is almost exactly 1 year older than RenĂ©e.
  • They both have February birthdays. RenĂ©e is 2/19 and Kevin is 2/28.
  • They share the same zodiac sun sign - Pisces.
  • They are both 3rd in birth order.
  • Growing up they shared the same nickname "Ray." RenĂ©e was "Baby Ray" and Kevins middle name is Rayshaun giving him the nickname "Ray."
  • Both of their lucky numbers are 2.
  • Both of their best friends share the same birthday (Shoutout to Asa and Ajee).
  • Elizabeth, RenĂ©e's sister was there the night Kevin and RenĂ©e met and if it weren't for her RenĂ©e wouldn't have given Kevin her number. Thank you Liz!
  • Kevin proposed to RenĂ©e at the same vineyard he asked her to be his girlfriend 4 years earlier!
  • Kevin told RenĂ©e he loved her for the first time via post-card from Australia.
  • They have traveled to 25 states and 5 other countries together.
  • Kevin and RenĂ©e are parents to their gorgeous gray and white cat son Zeke.
  • Kevin is the neater one, Renee's messes stress him out.
  • Kevin has an incredible taste in music - may play a set ;)
  • RenĂ©e is a better planner and cook.
  • Kevin snowboards and RenĂ©e skiis.
  • Kevin is getting his doctorate in nurse anesthesia and has to save all of his planned time off for the wedding.
  • They both love a quality margarita.
  • Not in a rush for babies, but they hope they will eventually have two.